HITCON 2016 投影片 - Bug Bounty 獎金獵人甘苦談 那些年我回報過的漏洞

This is my talk about being a Bug Bounty Hunter at HITCON Community 2016. It shared some of my views on finding bugs and some case studies, such as

  • Facebook Remote Code Execution… more details
  • Uber Remote Code Execution… more details
  • developer.apple.com Remote Code Execution
  • abs.apple.com Remote Code Execution
  • b.login.yahoo.com Remote Code Execution… more details
  • eBay SQL Injection
  • www.google.com XSS
  • Apple XSS
  • Facebook Onavo XSS
  • Uber XSS

Sorry for it’s only in Chinese. Wishing you would like it.
